about Lorenzo


Lorenzo our little "Mafioso" ;-)

After many considerations about getting our own breeding dog and the search for the needle

in the haystack, i.e. an adequate and fresh bloodline for our breeding, we were in

November 2021 finally at Corrado de Rose and his wife Giulia, the breeding facility “Di Sopravento”,

near Naples.

The two had just had two promising litters and

A small, fluffy button caught our eye.

So immediately afterwards we said: “Napoli arriviamo!” And we had barely made the decision,

we were already sitting in the car to cover over 3000km in one weekend and our

to pick up little Lorenzo.

When two different cultures meet, it can go well on the one hand or

But when the little “Neapolitan” saw his “Styrian hearts”, he did not

not only the calves, but also everything else, it was clear that he simply had to get off the hot

and flat south, to the mountainous mild north. This is where he belongs. Because without us and

He doesn't feel whole with his girls.

The small, shaggy Italian has now become a crisp Styrian who loves to

nature and touch the ground all over his body through his own full body massages

to feel in the green.

“Lolo” is an incredibly harmony-needy male dog who loves everyone and everything and never, ever

only tries to enter into a fight. He prefers to swarm around with his

his ladies in a kind way and is a wonderful uncle and foster father. He loves being in the

sun and from the highest point in the garden, to watch the foot soldiers of Trofaiach and the surrounding area.


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